Power tool safety tips for miter saws
Make sure you get the safety improvements when upgrading miter saws. And always look through the manual for recommended safety tips for miter saws.
Following safety tips for miter saws will help you minimize the risk. And manufacturers of table saws continue to improve safety with the latest introductions.
Just like when using table saws, miter saws can put your fingers pretty close to an unforgiving spinning blade.
6 power tool safety tips for miter saws
Sliding compound miter saws are more likely to be involved in an accident and require more skill than non-sliders. For cuts that require the longer reach of the sliding head, start with the blade pulled out past the wood, plunge cut down and finish the cut by pushing the head away from you − never pull the head towards you. Pulling cuts (called climb cuts) cause the blade to climb up and out of the cut, and lunge toward the operator.
For cuts that don’t need the saw’s full reach, lock the head all the way back and make cuts with the safer pivoting action only.
Instead of trapping your hand between the blade and fence to hold a board being cut at a tight angle, clamp the board down to the saw table with the saw’s hold down clamp.
For standing cuts on short pieces that would place your hand close to the blade, secure the wood to the fence with a small clamp.
Make sure a board being cut is fully supported on both sides of the saw. Either piece can tilt up under the saw head after a cut and cause a loss of control.
After a cut, let the saw’s brake stop the blade before lifting the head, especially when cutting small pieces like molding returns. When the spinning teeth touch the wood they can splinter the end or send the piece flying.
–By Michael Springer