Use social media to grow your business - PROcast

Construction Podcast 23: Use social media to grow your business

In this PROcast, David Dovell talks to marketing/advertising expert Mollie Elkman about how to use social media to grow your business and how to use free social media to boost sales. The website Houzz is specifically about housing, and Elkman recommends contractors begin by posting their home remodeling company’s work there because Houzz can direct web traffic back to your homepage. Elkman also says good photography is key; it doesn’t have be taken by a professional, but you should consider investing in a high-quality camera. Elkman also says it’s important to keep your Facebook posts positive, and that it’s important to review Facebook analytics to understand your web traffic and to track ads. Likewise, YouTube is useful to showcase client testimonials and your home remodeling services and products. Elkman, president of Group Two in Philadelphia, finishes by saying home builders and contractors shouldn’t fear negative comments, but to control your online presence with quality content and by answering all negative statements with positive messages.

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